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Head Table vs. Sweetheart Table
When choosing the layout for the reception space, one of the biggest considerations is whether you will have a head table or a sweetheart table. Here are a few pros & cons for each option (some specifically in regard to our reception area layout):
Reception Seating Charts: Pros & Cons
One pretty frequent question we get asked is about seating charts - are they worth the hassle? My personal opinion: NO! While seating charts do have a place, I personally am not a huge fan of seating charts. Here are a few pros & cons of taking the time to come up with a formal seating chart for your reception:
Top Tip: Managing Expectations
Occasionally, people will ask me, “What is your best piece of advice for our wedding?” While it is hard to narrow it down to just one, I usually offer this: Don’t expect every single thing to be perfect on your wedding day.